Single Trip travel insurance will cover you for one particular trip. Your pre-travel cover will start as soon as you purchase the policy (for example cover in case you have to cancel your trip for reasons specified in the policy wording). The cover then ends when you return home at the end of your trip and no further trips are covered.
Multi-Trip policies provide protection for an unlimited number of trips during a set 12-month policy period, with cover for up to 50 days per trip (if you are 65 years or below) or 35 days per trip (if you are between 66 years and 74 years). This can be extended up to 100 days per trip (when aged up to 65) and up to 50 days per trip (when aged between 66 – 70 years) by purchasing our optional extension.
Please note, on Multi Trip policies your cover will start from the start date you choose and not the date you purchase your policy. If you have already paid any monies towards your holiday, please consider setting your start date as today.
Please click here to view our cover table.
Yes, during the quote process we will ask you a number of questions about your medical history, to help get a picture of your health. We do this to allow us to really understand your individual health, which allows us to tailor quotes to you, rather than Pidgeon-holing anyone with similar conditions. We may cover your conditions for free, charge an additional premium or add an additional medical excess for claims in relation to your condition. This will all be explained to you when we finalise your quote.
Our policies provide cover for certain COVID-19 scenarios, such as:
If you would like additional protection against Coronavirus, we offer an optional COVID-19 extension, which provides:
Please visit our cover tables or policy wordings for more information.
Please click here for a full list.
United Kingdom – England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
Australia and New Zealand – all countries covered by the Europe bracket plus Australia and New Zealand.
Europe excluding Spain – all countries west of the Ural Mountains, Algeria, the Azores excluding Mediterranean Islands & Canary Islands, Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia & Turkey.
Europe including Spain – all countries mentioned above as well as Mediterranean Islands & Canary Islands but excluding Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia & Turkey.
Worldwide excluding USA, Caribbean, Canada & Mexico – anywhere in the world includes Cyprus, Tunisia, Turkey Egypt, Morocco, and Armenia but excludes the United States of America, Canada, the Caribbean, and Mexico
Worldwide excluding Mexico – anywhere in the world excluding Mexico.
Worldwide including Mexico – anywhere in the world.
Please note, we will only be able to provide cover for travel to destinations deems safe by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). Please see the question below for more information.
Please note, from time to time the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) will advise to only undertake essential travel to a particular destination. If your trip is not essential and you choose to travel contrary to the FCDO’s advice, we will only cover a claim if the cause is not linked to the reason for the advice. This limitation applies even if you have purchased an optional trip disruption upgrade. You may be able to travel with full cover if we authorise in writing that your trip is essential before you depart.
If the FCDO have advised against all travel to your destination, there is no cover under this policy apart from the Cancelling Your Trip section in the Large-Scale Events optional upgrade. There is also no cover under this policy if other government regulations or actions are in place restricting travel.
Please click here to visit the FCDO website, search for your destination and check their advice.
Turkey – The reason that we class Turkey as a Worldwide country is due to its geographical location. Turkey is a country in the Middle East. Another reason that we class Turkey as a Worldwide country is that they do not accept the EHIC/GHIC Card because the country is not part of Europe. This means there is no State support with emergency medical care, meaning that medical expenses are likely to be a lot higher than they would be in a European country.
Cyprus – The reason that we class Cyprus as a Worldwide country is due to its geographical location. Cyprus is technically located in Asia and half of the country (the North) is under Turkish administration. For this reason we class Cyprus as a Worldwide country.
Please click here to view our compare cover table, which includes the benefits available under the optional extensions. Alternatively, for full details please visit our policy wordings.
With the exception of our Longstay Policy we cover cruising as standard. if you would like additional cover for things like missed port visits, cabin confinement and unused pre-booked excursions, you will need to purchase our Cruise Plus extension. Please check you have the cover you need based on the requirements set out by your cruise provider.
Please click here to view a complete list.
We cover pregnancy as standard up to 28 weeks (or up to 24 weeks for multiple births). There is no need to declare your pregnancy to us, but if you have any medical conditions or pregnancy related complications (for example gestational diabetes) these will need to be declared to us. Please make sure your medical practitioner or midwife has confirmed that you are fit to travel (your airline may request to see proof of this upon boarding).
If you are confirmed not fit to travel, or if you will be more than 28 weeks pregnant at the start of your trip, (24 weeks for multiple births), you can make a claim under “Cancelling Your Trip” provided you purchased this policy/booked a trip before you were aware you would not be able to travel,
We can provide cover for Winter Sports and Golf equipment under our optional extensions. Please click here for more information on the cover provided by these extensions. Alternatively, for full details please visit our policy wordings.
If you are travelling outside the UK, then it is possible to purchase a policy up to the point you board your transportation for your international departure. However, if you are aware of a reason to make a claim at the time of purchase (for example a flight delay), your claim will not be covered. If you have already left the UK, unfortunately our policies would not be able to provide cover.
If you are traveling solely within the UK, you cannot purchase a policy after you leave home to start the trip.
Please remember that the availability of quotes will also be affected by the outcome of a medical screening plus age, trip duration and destination. Please see the question below for more information.
If there is a change in health after the policy has been purchased, such as new or increased medication, any referral for tests or a specialist appointment, or a new diagnosis/course of treatment, we need to know or any claim you make, whether it is related or not, may only be paid in part or declined altogether. If we feel that anything you tell us might increase the risk and chance of a claim, we may ask you to pay an additional premium, apply an increased excess, change the policy terms or withdraw cover altogether. Please contact the customer service team to discuss a change in health.
You can amend some of the details on your policy online by clicking here.
You can upgrade your level of cover and add optional extras online by clicking here.
You can cancel your policy online by clicking here. Please see the questions below for more information on our cancellation terms and conditions.
If you choose to cancel within the cooling off period (within 14 days of purchase), you will be given a full refund – as long as you have not already travelled on the policy, made a claim or intend to make a claim.
If you decide to cancel outside of the 14-day cooling-off period, no premium will be refunded. However, discretion may be exercised in exceptional circumstances to provide a refund for unused cover, those exceptional circumstances being bereavement or an unexpected change to their policy resulting in us being unable to continue covering them. The unused premium will be calculated on a sliding scale basis as follows:
Number of months the policy was live before cancellation |
Refund % | Number of months the policy was live before cancellation |
Refund % |
1 month | 75% | 7 months | 20% |
2 months | 60% | 8 months | 15% |
3 months | 50% | 9 months | 10% |
4 months | 40% | 10 months | 5% |
5 months | 30% | 11 months | 0% |
6 months | 25% | 12 months | 0% |
Please click here to cancel your policy online.
You can start a claim online by clicking here. The system will then guide you through the process of logging your claims and uploading any necessary documentation.